The Sagada Saga: Spelunking at Sumaguing Cave
The afternoon we arrived in Sagada, we had a quick lunch (foodie post here) and went straight to the action. The original plan was to trek to Bomod-Ok Falls and to take a quick dip. However, if I remember it correctly, weather conditions weren't good for trekking, so our guide decided that it's best that we go spelunking instead. (Oh memory gap. Now I know why I should have written this right after the trip =/ )
This is me AFTER conquering Sumaguing Cave. Felt so happy to still be alive!hahaha
Dexter, our tourguide from Anywhere Philippines, asked us whether we wanted to go on the Cave Connection (Lumiang Cave + Sumaguing Cave) or to go through Sumaguing Cave only. Well, as I was terrified of going inside one cave, I definitely have no plans of going through two caves. Lumiang Cave, as they've described it, involved a lot of crawling through small spaces, and some underwater submersion, with the whole Cave Connection experience lasting for about 4 to 5 hours. No, thank you. Sumaguing Cave for 2 long hours sounds just about fine for a girl who never really liked caves. I felt that it's gonna cave in on me. (LOL, I think I just made a joke.) Also, I'm scared of running out of oxygen to breathe. (OA, I know. Haha) Thankfully, my friends had the same train of thought. The other group, however, decided to do the Cave Connection. Well, good luck to them. *evil laugh*
The moment we entered Sumaguing Cave, I felt certain that we made the right choice of not choosing the Cave Connection. We were all spelunking newbies and Sumaguing Cave was pretty challenging in itself. We went down holes and slopes that looked impossibly difficult to get to and we went back up using ropes and stuff. I swear, it was a weekend when we all put our girl scout and boys scout rappelling skills into really good use. Also, I found out that we all had instant smiles when a camera was in front of us, despite the difficulty of the situation.

Here we are, admiring some stalactites.
And of course, we took loads of photos. We tried our best to look like "Hey, caving is a breeze, we do this all the time" in the photos. I think we did a good job. :)
It takes mighty knees to get through Sumaguing Cave. I am happy to say that our knees were strong enough, albeit kind of shaking by the time were through. Haha!
The group that went on the Cave Connection came out about 3 hours after we did and looking very exhausted, but happy. We were all fresh and well fed by the time they finished. While we certainly felt that we made the right choice of choosing Sumaguing Cave only, I think we could actually go on the Cave Connection on our next visit to Sagada. ;)
Muscles aching and bodies tired (and not forgetting the natural "aircon" in Sagada), we all slept incredibly well that night.
Sagada Day 2 in the next post!
Photos by Eliel Sarmiento and McBeau Babaan.
Read about the rest of our Sagada Saga here:
* Food Trip
* Stopover at the Banaue Rice Terraces
* Spelunking at Sumaguing Cave
* Power Trekking to Pongas Falls
* Hanging out with the Hanging Coffins at Echo Valley